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Permit Information - Permit 98040439

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Permit Information
Permit Number 98040439 STRAP NBR C-04-34-28-090-0AAA-0000
Permit Type BMOBHOME Balance Due $0.00
Property Address 1003 CAREFREE PKWY Status Closed

Permit Information
Application Date 04-17-1998 Operator hmyers
Issued Date 04-17-1998 Operator hmyers
Master Number   Project Number  
C.O. Number 97099794 Operator cparris
C.O. Issued 04-28-1998
C-404 Type 999 Usage Class MH
Applied Value 15900 Units 0
Calculated Value 85 Contractor ID 1117-01
Property On Permit
STRAP NBR C-04-34-28-090-0AAA-0000    
Address 1003 CAREFREE PKWY
City/State/Zip SEBRING, FL 33872
Owner On Permit
Address P O BOX 31775    
City/State/Zip BILLINGS, MT 59107    
Type Private    
Address P O BOX 31775    
City/State/Zip BILLINGS, MT 59107    
Type Owner    
Miscellaneous Information / Notes
P/S MH 24X38
*CLOSED 5/2/08*

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